CEPARE Speaker Series

You are invited to join us for our signature CEPARE Speaker Series, which takes place throughout academic year — stay tuned for information on this series and other upcoming events!

Fall 2023 CEPARE Speaker Series

Dr. Olivia Chi

October 19, 2023

"Who becomes a teacher when entry requirements are reduced? An analysis of emergency licenses in Massachusetts (with Andrew Bacher-Hicks, Ariel Tichnor-Wagner, and Sidrah Baloch)"


Olivia Chi, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Boston University Wheelock College of Education & Human Development

Topic: The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted teacher candidates’ capacity to complete licensure requirements. In response, many states temporarily reduced professional entry requirements to prevent a pandemic-induced teacher shortage. Using mixed methods, we examine the role of the emergency teaching license in Massachusetts, which provided an opportunity for individuals to enter the public school teacher workforce with only a bachelor’s degree.

Biography:Olivia Chi is an assistant professor at Boston University Wheelock College of Education and Human Development. Her research interests include the economics of education, teacher labor markets, and measures of teacher quality. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Education Finance and Policy, and Educational Researcher. She completed her Ph.D. in Education with a concentration in Education Policy and Program Evaluation at Harvard University. Olivia holds an Ed.M. in Education Policy and Management from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and an A.B. in Economics and Public Policy from Brown University. Prior to her doctoral studies, she taught elementary grades in New Haven, Connecticut.

Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 CEPARE Speaker Series

Lauren Kelly, Ph.D.

November 2, 2022

"Where I Belong": Building Learning Communities through Trust, Authenticity, and Collaboration


Lauren Leigh Kelly, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Urban Teacher Education

with special guests

Hector Cruz, Fordham University
Semaj Skillings, University of Connecticut

View Event recording and photos

Phisamay Uy

March 22, 2023

Combatting Invisibility of Asian American Students:  How Schools Can Support their Asian American Students & Their Families


Phitsamay Sychitkokhong Uy, Ed.D.

Associate Professor, Leadership in Schooling
University of Massachusetts, Lowell

View Event Recording  and Photos

2022 Philip E. Austin Sponsored Lecture

Thurs., April 14, 2022


Transforming Public School Systems to Develop Leaders and Teachers:

The Next Phase of U.S. Education Reform


Travis J. Bristol

Associate Professor at the University of California, Berkeley’s Graduate School of Education

Event recording now available!


Spring 2022 CEPARE Speaker Series

Thurs., Feb. 24, 2022


“We need to make a change. We need to be the change.”

Exploring Black Brilliance and Creative Problem Solving in Fugitive Homespaces featuring

Lauren C. Mims

Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at Ball State University

Access the video and transcript of Dr. Mims' archived WebEx talk


Thurs., Mar. 24, 2022


"Participatory Action Research With & For Undocumented Students:

Creating Spaces for Transformation in Higher Education"


Cinthya Salazar

Assistant Professor of Higher Education Administration at Texas A&M University

Access the video/transcript here!


Tuesday, April 5, 2022


Where is the Justice? Engaged Pedagogies in Schools and Communities featuring

Valerie Kinloch

Tamara Butler

Emily Nemeth

Grace Player

Access the video/transcript here!


Fall 2021 CEPARE Speaker Series

Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2021


"School Finance Inequity and the Role of Race:

Where we've been. Where we are at and the Road to Reparations" featuring

Bruce D. Baker

Professor in the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University in New Brunswick

Access the video and transcript of Dr. Baker's archived WebEx talk


Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 CEPARE Speaker Series

Book covers

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Book Party: "Moving forward in a time of uncertainty: How strategic planning and teacher evaluation can improve schools" featuring

Morgaen Donaldson

Isobel Stevenson

Jennie Weiner

Susan Moore Johnson, Discussant

Access the video and transcript of the book party



Dr. Thad Domina

Friday, April 30, 2021

"The Kids on the Bus:
The Academic Consequences of Diversity-Driven School Reassignments" featuring

Thurston Domina
Professor and Program Coordinator, Human and Organizational Leadership & Development  
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 

Access the video and transcript of Domina's archived WebEx talk.


Domingo Morel

Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020

"Takeover: Race, Education, and American Democracy" featuring

Domingo Morel
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Rutgers University – Newark

Access the video and transcript of Morel’s archived WebEx talk.


Saran Stewart.

Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020

"Intersectionality as Method:
Applying Theory to Practice" featuring

Saran Stewart
Associate Professor of Higher Education and Student Affairs
Neag School of Education

Access the video and transcript of Stewart’s archived WebEx talk.


Fall 2018 - Spring 2020 CEPARE Speaker Series

Kirabo Jackson.

SEPT 25, 2018

'Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Through Dynamic Complementarity: Evidence from Head Start and Public School Spending'  led by

Kirabo Jackson
Professor of Human Development and Social Policy
Northwestern Institute for Policy Research

Co-Presented by the UConn Department of Economics

Dr. Sarah Woulfin.

OCT 25, 2018

'Crystallizing Coaching:
A Study of the Institutionalization of Instructional Coaching
in Charter Management Organizations and Public School Districts'  featuring

Sarah Woulfin 
Associate Professor
Neag School of Education

Preston Green.

MAR 25, 2019

"Are We Heading for a Charter
School 'Bubble'?: Lessons from the Subprime Mortgage Crisis" featuring

Preston Green
Neag School of Education

Philip Oreopoulous.

APR 29, 2019

“The Remarkable Unresponsiveness to Nudging College Students and What We Can Learn from It” featuring

Philip Oreopoulos
Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the University of Toronto

Co-Presented by the UConn Department of Economics

Brian Jacob.

MAR 2, 2020

Insights about the demand for and effects of high school career and technical education by

Brian Jacob
Walter H. Annenberg Professor of Education Policy and Professor of Economics
University of Michigan

Co-sponsored by The Philip E. Austin Chair, the Center for Economic Policy and Analysis, and the Department of Economics

Spring 2018 CEPARE Speaker Series

Nathan Jones at CEPA speaker eventFEB 8, 2018

Measuring Effective Special Education Instructions
in the Era of Teacher Evaluation Reform” with

Nathan Jones
Assistant Professor of Special Education at Boston University

Attendees at Liz Cascio CEPA speaker eventFEB 13, 2018

“Does Universal Preschool Hit the Target?
Program Access and Preschool Impacts” led by

Liz Cascio
Associate Professor of Economics at Dartmouth College

Co-sponsored by The Department of Public Policy

Matthew Steinberg at CEPA speaker eventFEB 26, 2018

"The Direct and Indirect Effects of Closing Urban Schools on Students’ Academic and Behavioral Outcomes: Evidence from Philadelphia" featuring

 Matthew Steinberg
Assistant Professor from the University of Pennsylvania

Co-sponsored event with The UConn Department of Economics

Doug-StaigerMAR 26, 2018

"School District Reform in Newark: Within-and Between-School Changes in Achievement Growth"

 Doug Staiger
Professor in Economics from Dartmouth College

Co-sponsored event with The UConn Department of Economics

Beth SchuelerAPR 19, 2018

"A Third Way: The Politics of School District Takeover and Turnaround in Lawrence, Massachusetts" led by

 Beth Schueler
Postdoctoral Research Fellow from Harvard University

Fall 2017 CEPARE Speaker Series

Shaun Dougherty during a CEPA panel discussion on 9.21.17

SEPT 21, 2017

“The Many Faces of Teacher Policy: How Incentives, Accountability, and Context are Shaping the Profession”

featured speakers:

Ethan Hutt of the University of Maryland
Michael A. Gottfried of the University of California —
Santa Barbara
Brooks Bowden of North Carolina State University
Shaun M. Dougherty of UConn’s Neag School of Education

Sarah TurnerOCT 10, 2017

Measuring Opportunity in
U.S. Higher Education with

Sarah Turner

Professor of Economics
Curry School of Education &
Department of Economics
from the University of Virginia

Co-sponsored with the Department of Economics

kara s finnigan

NOV 2, 2017

The Politics of Regional Equity: Mobilizing Civic Capacity to Address Segregation with
Kara S. Finnigan

Associate Professor of
Educational Policy from the
University of Rochester,
Warner School of Education

George Spencer visiting as a CEPA speaker

DEC 13, 2017

Promoting the Attainment-to-Transfer Pathway: Effects of Transfer Associate Degree Policies Across States
George Spencer

Dean's Fellow at the NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Spring 2017 CEPARE Speaker Series

Jorge AgueroFEB 22, 2017

Jorge Agüero, assistant professor, Department of Economics and El Instituto at the University of Connecticut spoke about “School Quality and Behavioral Responses: Evidence From the Expansion of the School Day in Peru”.

Susanna Loeb during a CEPA speaker discussionMAR 27, 2017

Susanna Loeb, Barnett Family Professor of Education, Stanford UniversityOne Step at a Time: The Effects of an Early Literacy Text Messaging Program for Parents of Preschoolers”.

Ana M. Martínez Alemán at a CEPA speaker seriesAPR 12, 2017

Ana M. Martínez Alemán, associate dean for faculty and professor of the Educational Leadership and Higher Education Department at Boston College’s Lynch School of Education spoke on “A Platica on the Impact of Race on College Teaching and Learning”.

 Ebony Bridwell-Mitchell with Morgaen Donaldson and Robert Cotto APR 20, 2017

Ebony Bridwell-Mitchell, shared "Them That’s Got: How Tie Formation in Partnership Networks Gives High Schools Differential Access to Social Capital” at a recent CEPA event.

Fall 2016 CEPARE Speaker Series

Peter YoungsSEPT 27, 2016

Peter Youngs, Associate Professor at the Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, who spoke on "The Role of Social Context In Novice Teacher Development".

Amy Ellen SchwartzOCT 25, 2016

Amy Ellen Schwartz, professor, Daniel Patrick Moynihan Chair in Public Affairs, Maxwell School, Syracuse University on “The Impact of Universal Free Meals on Student Outcomes”.

John PapayNOV 9, 2016

John Papay, assistant professor of education and economics, Population Studies and Training Center at Brown University joined CEPA folks to discuss “The Effects of School Turnaround Strategies in Massachusetts".

Sean CorcoranDEC 7, 2016

Sean Corcoran, associate professor of education economics, Steinhardt School, New York University spoke about “Leveling the Playing Field for High School Choice Through Decision Supports: A Randomized Intervention Study” as part of CEPA's fall speaker series.

*If you are interested in accessing a video recording of a particular speaker presentation, please email Leah.Ward@uconn.edu.